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The JC Transmission's Ultra-comp converter series is comprised of the finest racing converters made. All of the competition converters are custom designed and hand built for each individual application. Available in 7'', 8'', 9'', 9.5'' and 10'' sizes, each converters stall of a speed is individually selected for your car's application. Ultra-comp converters are capable of handling any amount of power, from any size motor, with any kind of power adder.
Each converter is built from the highest quality custom made CNC machined components, which allows us to provide you with a full 1 year warranty. Each Ultra-comp converter comes with one free stall adjustment within 90 days of purchase. so that you receive peak performance from your converter.
Based on your application, JC's Ultra-Cromp converter is available with an ultra strong steel stator or JC's custom aluminum stator. The Ultra-Comp converter series has the following features: Furnace brazed fins, Precision ground neck, CNC machined Steel turbine hub, CNC machined crank pilot, new mounting pads, Heavy Duty sprag components, Torrington bearings throughout, Anti-Balloon plates (if required)

Available for: PG, TH-350, TH-400, 200-4R, 700R-4, C-4, C-6, AOD, 727, 904

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