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TORQUE FLITE 727-727N-904

The 727 is available for big block and small block Chryslers as well as AMC applications. All of the JC Transmission 727 transmissions are custom built specifically for your application from street cars to mud buggies.


Small block Chrysler:
50220-F: Forward Pattern
50220-R: Reverse Pattern
50220-50-8R: Reverse Trans Brake

Big Block Chrysler:
50221-F: Forward Pattern
50221-R: Reverse Pattern
50221-50-8R: Reverse Trans Brake AMC
50220-R: Reverse Pattern
50220-50-BR: Reverse Trans Brake


5021 7-F: Forward Pattern Manual
50218-R: Reverse Pattern Manual
50550-BR: Reverse Pattern Brake


- 3 Speed
- 2.46:1 1st gear
- 1.46:1 2nd gear
- 1:1 3rd gear
- 650-700 Hp Max
- 125 Lb Dry Weight

Available with reverse pattern or brake only $80 Core charge


JC Transmission custom builds and supplies parts for 904 transmissions. We also build complete 904 transmissions for race and high performance use.
Please call for 904 part numbers and availability!


Small block Chrysler:
50220-F: Competition Forward Pattern 500HP
50220-R: Competition Reverse Pattern 500HP
50220-50-8R: Competition Reverse Trans Brake 500HP


50220-F: Forward Pattern Manual
50220-R: Reverse Pattern Manual
55550-8R: Reverse Pattern Trans Brake


- 3 Speed
- 2.46:1 1st gear
- 1.46:1 2nd gear
- 1:1 3rd gear
- 450-500 Hp Max
- 100 Lb Dry Weight

Available with reverse pattern or brake only $80 Core charge

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