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Internal components for the Powerglide have become stronger over the years with use of stronger materials. Here is an explanation of common material terms used: Stock parts: made from lower grade steels like 8620. 620: A general use gear steel good for most gear uses. 9310: A high quality crumbly steel used for extreme gear uses. Also known as Vaccu-Melt. Hardened steel: Usually 4340 steel that has been heat treated to a good hardness level 300M: A trade name for a very good quality steel that has excellent tensile and yield strengths Vasco: Another trade name for an extremely high quality steel with better tensile and yield strengths than 300M. This is currently the highest grade used in Powerglide transmissions.

All J.W. planetarium use all new parts including the carrier, preset, output shaft, and assembly kit. Every planetary is fully welded and balanced. Helical cut gears use the crumply output shaft, while the straight cut gears use the Vasco output shags. Other ratios are available upon request.

10169-L: Straight 9310, 1.69, long shaft
10169-S: Straight 9310, 1.69, short shaft
10777-L: Helical 9310, 1.76, long shaft
10777-5: Helical 9310, 1.76, short shaft
10180-L: Straight 9310, 1.80, long shaft
10180-S: Straight 9310, 1.80, short shaft

There are so many needs available for the Powerglidr that deciding which one is right for you, can be very confusing. 'XW Performance makes the choice easier watts the following guide- lines; stock helical gears: less than 500 HP
9310 helical gears: 550-1800 HP
9310 straight cut gears: MAX HP

10777: 1.76 helical 9310 gears
10180: CM1.80 straight 9310 gears
10777CM-S: 1.76 helical 9310 stm gear
10008: 1.76 HD ring gear
10900: Steel carrier
10901: Alllrninllm carrier
10902: 1.76 sun gear lange
10788W: Planetary pin set
10784: Cromoly long output shaft
10783: Cromoly short output shaft
10784V: Vasco long output shaft
10783V: Vasco short output shaft
10777-K: Planetary assembly kit
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