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The Turbo 350 is one of the best transmissions ever designed but JC Transmission makes it better! Available in Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, Olds, or prepared for the Ultra-Bell, you can have one off of the shelf or a custom built one for your application.


20205: Heavy Duty Chevy
20205-8: Heavy Duty BPO
20210-500: Street Strip Chevy
20210-5008: Street Strip BPO
20220-F: Fwd Patt Chevy
20220-FB: Fwd Patt BPO
20221-R: Rev Pat Chevy
20221-RB: Rev Pat BPO
20221-50-BR: Rev Brake Chevy
20221-50-BRB: Rev Brake BPO
20220-C: Fwd Patt Circle Track Chevy
20220-FC: Fwd Patt Circle Track Cut for Ultra-Bell


2000-1: Heavy Duty Performance Kit
20002-2: Street Strip Performance Kit
20217-F: Fwd Pat Manual
20218-R: Rev Pat Manual
20550-BR: Rev Brake Valve Body
30290-1: Solenoid TH400/TH350
20012: Valve Body Gasket


- 3 Speed
- 2.48:1 1st gear
- 1.48:1 2nd gear
- 1:1 3rd gear
- Up to 2500 Hp
- 130 lb dry weight

Available with forward reverse or brake valvebodies
Chevy core fee $180/ BPO core $70

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