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The Mileage Converter series is designed for RV and towing vehicles. With enhanced torque multiplication and an improved lockup, it provides better pulling power, lower RPMS, and more mites per gallon. Features: 90 day warranty, upgraded scrag, added rein-forcement to fins, upgraded hubs, ground neck.

Available for: PG, TH-350, TH-400, C-4, C-6, 727, 904


The Street Lethal Converter series brings excellent performance to weekend warriors with show cars and mild street rods. With stall speeds ranging from 2400-3000 rims, this is a great performance upgrade for your street car! Features: 12 months warranty, heavy duty sprag race, furnace brazed fins, aftermarket hubs, ground neck, upgraded mounting pads, bearings throughout.

Available for: PG, TH-350, TH-400, 200-4R, 700-R4, C-4, C-6, AOD, 727, 904


The perfect converter for the racer that is on a budget. The Sportsman Converter series is designed for hot street cars and bracket racers. This custom built converter with high quality components is the biggest bang for your buck in the entire converter market. Features: 90 day warranty, ground neck, furnace brazed finds, steel turbine hub, new mounting pads, torrington bearings, heavy duty sprag components, steel crank pilot, balloon plates (if required).

Available for: PG, TH-350, TH-400


This series of 9.5'' converters is the big brother to the sportsman series. Designed for powerful vehicles that see serious strip use. With JC's quality components and custom stall speeds, these converters can handle nitrous and transbrake setups. Features: 12 months warranty, heavy duty scrag, ground neck, furnace brazed fins, steel turbine hub, new mounting pads, torrington bearings, steel crank pilot, balloon plates (if required).

Available for: PG, TH-350, TH-400

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